Your chakras are your energy centers, and it is important that they stay balanced to keep you strong. When you deal with things such as fear, stress, anxiety and low energy, chances are that your chakras aren’t balanced. Here are the chakras and how to keep them balanced and strong:
Root Chakra
This is found at the base of the spine, and it uses the affirmation, “I am.” It is based on the color red. Here are some facts about the Root Chakra:
- Deals with emotional issues, self-esteem, and security.
- Mantra: “I will have a steady foundation.”
- Element: Earth.
- Spend time walking in nature to balance your chakra.
- Use the stone Hematite.
- This develops at the age of 2.
Sacral Chakra
This chakra is found below the belly button. It is associated with the color orange and the affirmation, “I feel.” Here are more facts about the Sacral Chakra:
- Controls the emotions such as money, sex, control, power, and guilt.
- Mantra, “I love and honor those but not before I honor myself.”
- Element: Water.
- Take time to swim or bath, go to lakes and oceans.
- Use the Tiger’s Eye crystal.
- This develops between 2 and 3 years of age.
Solar Plexus
This chakra is found in the stomach and is associated with the color yellow and the affirmation, “I do.” Here are some more facts about this chakra:
- Controls how you love yourself and self-worth, self-esteem.
- Mantra, “I love myself and I accept who I am.”
- Element: Fire.
- Go sit in the sun or sit by a fire.
- Use the stone, Amber.
- This develops between 4 and 5 years of age.
Heart Chakra
This chakra is found in the middle of the chest. It is associated with the color green and the affirmation, “I love.” Here are some more facts about the Heart chakra:
- Deals with love, peace, and joy.
- Mantra, “When I love me, I love others.”
- Element: Air.
- Deep breathe and go outside or open the windows.
- Use the stone, Rose Quartz.
- This develops between 6 and 12 years of age.
Throat Chakra
This chakra is found in the throat, and it is related to the color blue and the affirmation, “I speak.” Here are some more facts about the throat chakra:
- This chakra helps you take responsibility for what you say.
- Element: Music or sound.
- Listen to music or sit under the sky.
- Use the stone, Aquamarine.
- This develops between 13 and 19 years of age.
Third Eye Chakra
This chakra is found in the middle of the forehead. It is associated with the color purple and the affirmation, “I see.” Here are some more facts about the Third Eye chakra:
- Deals with truth, judgment, and intelligence.
- Mantra, “I will explore things I don’t see.”
- Element: Light.
- Sit in the sun or let the sun come inside.
- Use the stone, Amethyst.
Crown Chakra
This chakra is found at the top of the head. It is associated with the color violet and the affirmation, “I understand.” Here are some more facts about the Crown chakra:
- Deals with purpose, meaning, trust and identity.
- Mantra, “I show light and love.”
- Element: Wholeness.
- Spend time meditating and chanting.
- Use the stone Clear Quartz.
Balancing the Chakras
Here are some ways that you can balance the chakras:
- Find a quiet place to sit and breathe deeply. Let the stress leave your body.
- Meditate for all the chakras.
- Use sound such as “Lam.” Imagine a white or red light flowing through your energy centers.
- Focus on the belly button and imagine an orange light going around you. Say, “Vam.”
- Think about your heart and think of love and light and imagine an orange light flowing through you. Say, “Ram.”
- Deep breathe and feel the energy moving up that is green and say, “Yum.”
- Focus on your throat and imagine blue light flowing and say, “Ham.”
- Think about your Third Eye chakra and say, “Sham.” Think of a purple light flowing.
- See a violet light surrounding you and say, “Om.”
Final Thoughts
If you feel that the light isn’t bright enough to clear out your chakra, find out what is causing you to have blockages and work on getting these taken care of before you try these exercises again.