Understanding Spiritual Growth

Spiritual Growth

As your soul goes on your journey you will want to understand your spiritual self more and more. You will need to focus on this, and you will see that there are different stages in life that you will go through. As you reach your spiritual growth, there are things that will happen. Baha’u’llah is a prophet that talked about the seven stages of spiritual growth. He explained that as a person travels through these stages that they will be able to get closer to their spiritual self.

Here are the stages!

  • Valley of Search

The Valley of Search is the first stage that a person will go through in their spiritual growth. This is a stage that you have to have patience, or you will never reach your goal. This is a the time where you have to get rid of things that no longer serve you such as bad habits or patterns that you imitate. You will no longer want to be destructive but to have a pure heart.

As you search for your spiritual self you will find it. You will be able to discern secrets in the spiritual world and you can then move on to the next stage.

  • Valley of Love

The second stage, the Valley of Love is when you will use love to get rid of things that aren’t good for you. This will cleanse you and help you to increase your spiritual powers. Even though you want to reach your higher self, you will have to learn to have no fear and to know that something is good for you.

  • Valley of Knowledge

The third stage, the Valley of Knowledge is one that gets rid of doubt and darkness. It helps you to follow light and to get rid of things that aren’t true. It helps you to understand the suffering that you have experienced and that it isn’t the end for you.

As you pray and you reach your spiritual self you will see that you will not limit yourself and you can move forward.

  • Valley of Unity

The fourth stage, the Valley of Unity helps you to look at your reality and to embrace the light. You will get rid of your biases, and you can look at things with unity. You will se that everything in creation was created and that everyone is of one race. There will be a truth that all religions has different ideas, but they are meant to have love through humanity.  When someone is in this stage, they will be able to look at the mysteries that surround the power.

  • Valley of Contentment

The Valley of Contentment is the fifth stage, and it is the time that you get rid of your sadness, and you become happy. You will be able to see the beauty in all things. Instead of seeing things as a secret, you will be able to see the signs and see how creation shines.

These will be inner meanings that allow you to be content in your life.

  • Valley of Wonderment

The sixth stage, the Valley of Wonderment shows you that you can increase your wonder in God and in other things around you. You will see that you can look at the things that were created and you can find new truth.

As you dream. You will be able to pick up wisdom and secrets that the world has for you in your dreams. You won’t even have to speak, and your dreams will tell you of now and into the future. There are many things that you can dream about and as you embrace them and consider the difference between your physical life and the dream world you will be able to get information that you never knew.

There are signs that can come to you in the dream world, and you won’t be able to deny the mysteries that are surrounding it.

  • Valley of True Poverty and Absolute Nothingness

This is the seventh and last stage and this is the time where you will see that you are rich even if you were poor. As you reach this stage you will see that there is fire and love and that all the negative things in your heart that stopped you from being spiritual are taken away.

This is the time that you can look beyond the darkness, and you can manifest good things in your life that your heart and spirit long for. This is a time that you should be obedient, and you should look at the mysteries of truth.

Final Thoughts

As you move through these stages you can see that you can get the help that you need in your life to be strong and to embrace what life has for you. Don’t let your desires leave you but keep pushing as you reach your spiritual growth.